Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh makes a statement to the media after he was shouted down by opposition politicians in the lower house of Parliament, in New Delhi, India, Monday, Aug. 27, 2012. Singh took to Twitter on Monday to defend himself against a coal scandal roiling the country, saying accusations his government lost the country huge amounts of money were baseless. India’s Parliament has been all but paralyzed since the national auditor released a report two weeks ago saying the sale

Manish Swarup

Manmohan Singh, the former Indian prime minister who governed the South Asian country for two terms and liberalized its economy in an earlier stint as finance minister, has died, local media reported on Thursday. He was 92.

Singh, an economist-turned-politician who also served as the governor of the central bank, was ailing and admitted to the All India Institute of Medical Sciences in New Delhi, local media reported late on Thursday.

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